Bev and Carol are characters from my two (soon to be three)
humorous memoirs. See right side panel for direct links to Amazon. 'One Summer in France' and 'Bunny on a Bike'.
Episode Seven
Bed late, up late – only possible on days when Marj (all
singing, all banging and crashing cleaner) is not there.
Opened door of Room to vision of tree in central stairwell.
Almost amazed. Branches, leaves, (no birds). Much peering and rubbing of eyes by groggy
semi-clad students. From ground floor
to third floor. Interesting conundrum
of method of insertion through outer door, round 90-degree corner, into stair
cavity. Additional pixie-work detail –
Simon Black’s room turfed. Neat
Marj bound to be thrilled next day (alternate day visits).
Took picture (instamatic) and went out.
Aimed for sports centre.
Got distracted by colours of leaves.
Late autumn heaps. Good for
kicking/stereotypical romantic images.
Deep breaths, wholesome thoughts. ‘Season of mists and mellow
fruitfulness…’ (another clever bugger).
Library. Medieval literature bit of a challenge –
conventions, conventions. Yawn. Examine self for signs of medieval beauty in
library loo mirror – looking for: willowy figure, white skin (rosy cheeks),
small feet, blue eyes and (bingo!) blond hair.
Back to books.
Incidental research brightens whole day – Philip I of France said to
have kicked wife out of bed because ‘trop grasse’ (too fat), giving rise to
expression ‘I wouldn’t chuck her/him out of bed’. Couldn’t find pic of Philip or wife.
Back to work. Prefer
Miller’s Tale to Knight’s. Bawdy,
bawdy. Don’t like carpet in
library. Chairs too heavy. Words on page swimming. Little caterpillars, swelling, twirling,
turning into butterflies and filling the air with Chaucer.
Nodded off.
‘Hello’. Looked up
and saw Carol in jeans and homemade jumper, carrying large book. Grinning.
‘Want a cuppa?’ Christ, yes!
Leaped down steps, singing.
La di da! Carol laughed. At last!
A friend to play with.
To be continued…